Top 3 Questions about Tai Chi and Qi Gong Answered

I am frequently asked questions about my Tai Chi and Qi Gong classes. Here are the top 3!

1. How can Tai Chi and Qi Gong help me?

Tai Chi and Qi Gong consists of slow, mindful movements with an emphasis on breathing. Proper breathing is the most effective way to calm the nervous system and mindful movement is a great way to decrease tension. Tai Chi and Qi Gong decrease stress while improving your mood and sleep according to the research. And learning something new is the best way to keep our brains sharp and engaged!

2. I am not very coordinated - can I still do Tai Chi and Qi Gong?

My experience in teaching and my teaching method for the classes uses easy to follow cues and step by step directions while you follow me. The handouts and practice videos are a great way to integrate what you learn during each class. You should also notice an improvement with your coordination and balance as the course progresses. And the movements can be modified if needed - all of them can even be done sitting in a chair if that suits you to get started.

3. Mindfulness and meditation have always been frustrating for me - will I also be frustrated with Tai Chi and Qi Gong?

The beauty of Tai Chi and Qi Gong is that it is mindfulness with movement. Meditation can be frustrating for some due to the sustained postures, wandering thoughts, and breath only focus. Tai Chi and Qi Gong focus on flowing movement patterns that incorporate breathing to create focus and mindfulness from within. Mindful movement!

Contact Michelle Cooper, MPT, BScEd, CAFCI(acup), for information about Tai Chi & Qi Gong Courses and Classes

Michelle Cooper, MPT, BScEd

How do you use your nervous system to your advantage? I am passionate about the nervous system and teaching you how to access it. I have 25+ years of physical therapy experience treating patients with persistent (often called chronic) pain, chronic tension, orthopedic concerns, and pelvic health issues. I utilize my education and experience as a high school science teacher and a physical therapist to teach you how to take care of your nervous system and your body while developing your own practice that fits into your day. The power of emotions in persistent pain/tension can be a factor so collaborating with mental health providers can be beneficial when needed and maximize progress.

We work together to develop a personal movement practice that incorporates your nervous system and body using Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Yoga, Body Mapping, and/or Breathing Techniques. You are the main player and I am the coach. You learn to access The Power of You!

Working In vs. Working Out